In Biblical Days
We have come along way since Biblical days but we are still human, made up of flesh and blood, and in need of the same basic nutrients God originally put on this Earth--good food, good water, and good air.
It appears that when the environmental impact exceeds the ability of our bodies to heal is when our so-called genes "come out". A majority of illness today is due to defective nutrition and poor water and air quality. We may never know what "ran in the family" if we nourished our bodies the way it was meant to be nourished.
Many of us are believers and we pray and some of us are healed and some of us are not, or healing comes after much suffering. I say, keep praying and give some thought to the root of most of our health problems- Our food, air, and water, aka "our environment" , has changed so much that our bodies can't keep up.
Let's go over a few concepts that may be lost on modern society:
In Biblical days, they had their own water wells and there was no such thing as a water pipe, but now we drink water not knowing where it came from nor how long its been travelling.
In Biblical days, they grew their own food, but now we eat food not knowing where it came from or how it was grown, or even if the soil was rotated, something that is extremely important. Some food we eat never see the soil, its grown in plastic.
In Biblical days, nutrients in the soil were superior to what they are today, in part because you didn't have 3 states (California, Texas, and Florida) trying to feed the entire United States. Some vitamins once in the soil simply doesn't even exist anymore. How can you replentish the soil when trying to feed millions? I can see why small farmers, or even people that simply grow food in their yard tend to have a better quality of life-no one is using up all the nutrients in their soil. To make up this soil depletion, somebody came up with the idea of "5-a-day for a better health". This is displayed not to take your money, but if you solely relied on food, that is how much it'll take to eat just to keep up what with nutritional levels of undepleted soils. The vegetables, which are "the builders", are the ones you want to focus on.
In Biblical days, parts of food consumed was tossed back onto the land. This replenishes some of the minerals and vitamins. Some farmers still do it, but most of us toss leftovers in the trash can. Most of the fresh vegetables in stores today has almost no potassium and has lost most of its vitamin C, amongst other vitamins. Did you know that the RDA for potassium is around 3500 mg/day? Next time you shop, see where you stand. See if you can add it all up. Good luck. Some of the vegetables you see in the store may also be full of water, lacking in key nutrients. Size does not equate to quality, and there are tricks to make vegetables grow fast. Some soils are poor off, they have macronutrients but no micronutrients.
In Biblical days, there were no strange compounds floating through the air from industry. Some of these compounds, have climbed very high up in the air and has depleted the protective layer over the Earth, the ozone. This happened while trying to grow enough food to feed me and you, and all of our kinfolk.
In Biblical days, you didn't need planes flying through the air dropping silver iodine everywhere trying to make it rain because the ozone has been depleted. Where did the ozone go? A significant part of it has to do with the use of household products but also due to a bleach compound that is not only added to certain foods, but is "offgassed" (thus you inhale it) from your computer monitor--bromine.
In Biblical days, the rivers and oceans were not contaminated with dioxin and other toxic compounds that has become a toxic waste dump for industry, making a key source of protein, fish, too toxic to eat, and in many cases killing them. Furthermore, you didn't have so many accidents occuring in the ocean either, killing off entire species of food. This has led to fish farming. Man cannot duplicate nature however.
In Biblical days, scientists didn't change the genes of the foods (genetic engineering) so that now in a lab, you can't tell pea genes from corn genes. This will have a huge impact on the science industry one day and in some incidences, already has. If you can't tell corn from pea, it will be very difficult to do research on food.
In Biblical days, you didn't have one country (China) making just about everything you touch and wear and shipping it to another country. Such massive efforts are risky. The problem is not with China, but "putting too many eggs in one basket". Sometimes things happen, such as the problems with the toxic metals, and toxic protein.
In Biblical days, you didn't have people complaining about what's in the grocery store because they grew most of their own food. In Biblical days, "organic" was the norm. Today, you have to be careful about eating organic because the manure from the animals used to grow it can very well be contaminated with infected feces. To kill it you have to take drastic measures by dipping the veggies in boiling hot water. Juicers, wash everything, organic or not and even it you're eating it raw. If it says "prewashed and ready to eat", wash it anyways.
In Biblical days, you didn't have entire flocks like the lamb in the USA mostly infected with a disease called scrapie, and a fear of eating cow meat due to Mad Cow Disease. Or, such a huge majority of fowl (chickens and their eggs) having a mycobacteria problem. The infection amongst industrialized animals can become quite tremendous. Thus, most lamb is shipped into the U.S., the chickens may be fed arsenic, and the cows....well, don't make beef stew with their bones, and think twice about that ground meat. Think "steak".
In Biblical days, you did not have people eating the pipes from their drinking water because of the chemicals that have been added and they live too far away from the water source.
In Biblical days, going out in the sun was a way of life. You did not have people avoiding the sun because of autoimmune disease.
In Bibical days, when feeding the masses, you did not feed corn, soy, and wheat to the chicke; corn, soy and wheat to the cow; and even corn, soy and wheat to the fish, so that everytime a person eats chicken, beef, or fish, they eat corn, soy or wheat. They call this a "vegetarian diet" but neither corn, nor wheat, nor soy is a vegetable. One is a bean and the other two are grains used to make bread. Haven't you heard the scripture "Man cannot live on bread alone"? In their natural environment a chickens will eat insects and worms and the cows will eatgrass. We know that a fish would never see corn, nor soy, nor wheat in the ocean. When an animal eats the correct food, it changes the entire environment the animals cell and it is the healthiest thing they can eat. When you eat them, your cells mimick the environment that was around their cells. You have heard of the saying "You are what you eat." Now you see where this phrase comes from.
In Biblical days, you didn't see strange occurences in nature. For example, the most recent development- the disappearance of bees out of the environment. Some are blaming it on the wireless technology, since bees send signals in the air to communicate. If the bees cannot work for us it'll get very interesting on how farmers will grow food. If the bees disappear, more than honey will disappear, and for them, this "Colony Collaspe Disorder" is a serious situation. On the flip side, the certain industries have experienced an unusual boom, the trees bloomed later than normal and the nuts were in great quantity. One farmer told me, "I have never seen chestnuts grow like this nor pecans in all the years I've been farming". So many nuts!" Nuts, although a good source of nutrition, should not be consumed in very great quantities, especially during the winter, as they can activate latent retroviral infections due to their high arginine content. Everything in moderation.
When you read the Bible, you read about people living for over two hundred years. God cut this down to around 120 years. What happened? Many of us may ask the question, where are my healthy years? Of course, it is our lifestyle. Many positives have come out of the advancement of technology, but we are not robots and we should should not forget what we're made of and what our bodies require, (or not require) to function in a healthy state.
In Biblical days, there was no such thing as a cell phone, power lines, or electricity for that matter and "electromagnetic sickness" was a thing of the future-that future is now. I should mention, one of the longest lived group of persons on the planet (the Hunzas) have none of these. There is nothing genetically special about them. Scientists discovered it was their food, air and water, especially their water.
In Biblical days, longevity was several times more in length that we see today. We still have alot of potential though (beyond a 100 years), and some other cultures and many people in the U.S. clearly illustrate this. We think 80 years is old. Eighty years is not too old to start fathering more children for some populations. You may hear, "If you are over the age of 35 your risk for many diseases increase". What they are really trying to say is that after the age of 35 your endocrine organs begin to malfunction. Many of the symptoms that pop up, contrary to popular belief, is reversible.
We can never go back to Biblical days, and obviously it was meant for us to progress. We must progress in ways that doesn't rob us of the basic necessities for a healthy body however. These basic necessities are good food, good water, and good air.
Bad balance leads to a hard fall.
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