Sunday, November 18, 2007

Longevity Habits Of People Who Live A Long Time

Its  a combination of many factors such as plumbing, the quality of the city's water, the cookware, food habits, and whether or not the water is interacting with their pipes, and so on...

 You may hear about people in other countries you will probably never visit, living to ripe old ages, but its hard to learn anything from them because the reality of the matter is, those people are thousands of miles away and you have to rely on information someone else collected, but you truly never have the opportunity to "verify" the information for yourself. Well, you do not have that problem here. The information is actually "right in your own backyard", and you can verify it anytime you please, every day if you so desire. All you need is a few minutes with a cooperative elderly, or a younger person who knows someone (or knew someone) who "was" or "is"-- very old. You do not have to go and find some scientific published research study that is hard to understand, you do not have to ask a long list of questions, you do not have to know what genotype the person is or what diseases run through the family, or if they took some magic formula, you do not have to know any and everything he/she ate, because many times you'll find they ate some things some researchers consider "very unhealthy", and you do not have to know how many strokes they had along the way or how many times they had cancer, or how long he are she has had Alzheimer's Disease. All you have to know is how old the person is right now (or was), and their water/plumbing history. 

If you don't have time to bother with such details, consider drinking clean water by purchasing one of the many products out there, such as this one.     Otherwise, keep reading!

The Plumbing

I can refer to these people (who's longevity is linked to their water consumption) hopefully without offending any of them, as "water heads". Every single one of them. The more I asked the more I began to realize--there are a good number of very old people around. Many times if they were on well water, you don't even have to ask about the plumbing because rarely will you find one that stuck PVC pipes from their well to their home, or had a slab of PVC at the bottom of their well. If they did it happened not too long ago and it was because their own piping system had bursted (from being very very old). It sounds too simple but that is just the way it is. That is their longevity is pointing their water/plumbing history. I do not know how or why the water and plumbing appears to be determining their lifespan (although I do have one idea) because I do not know the mechanics, but that is what I keep seeing over and over again. With experience, you can actually begin to recognize a particular look about them. Get into the habit of talking to several, you'll see what I mean. A typical conversation may start off as "You're on well water aren't you? They would either say Yes! How did you know that? " Or they would say "I was for years but I moved in with my [son or daughter] and I'm not on it anymore". So, indeed there is a fountain of youth, its called "groundwater" and its running through the pipes in your home. There's more about the pipes beside the type of pipe. Some people's water pipes are being used to ground electricity. I have yet to verigy it but I suspect this has a negative impact on health. I will say this, in most cases, particularly of centennarians they spend almost their entire life on a total lack of fluoride added to their water. At the least, they may have had chlorine. You'll find both fluoride and chlorine in column 7 of the periodic table, aka "bleach column". Now, for the people which is on "city water", which is still well-water (this is not that disgusting "surface water" as some cities are now using, the home was not at all very far from the well. Many times, they knew exactly where the well was. Here's an interesting story: I found a 'cluster' of people at some extremely ripe ages living on a city water system that supposedly added fluoride to the water. I thought this was strange because I had never seen it over the course of talking with folks. This neighborhood was pumping out people in their nineties (even upper nineties) and since I knew it was something about the water and the pipes, I started talking to some of them. I got lucky because the first person I spoke with was a retired plumber. The first thing I learned was, just because a city "fluoridates its water" does not mean every single neighborhood in that city is getting fluoride. What became immediately obvious is, there was no fluoride tank near the well, just a chlorine tank. As if a confirmation of this, many of the people in this neighborhood also had "bad teeth", they didn't have that fluoride speckle. If you're on city water and want more info. on how your water ends up in your home, just click on my other article, "Where's the Water?" 

City Water Quality

Now, here are some interesting habits of the very hold people living here in the USA: If they expose themselves to different people everyday, most don't wait for an infection to occur, they "ward off" infections. They learned this from their ancestors. Some will take castor oil periodically, some will eat garlic every day, some have an herb regime. 

Attitude Towards Sickness

Many times there are no major or chronic diseases. However, it does happen sometimes.  If these people who live to be very old do get sick, they don't let it go away on its on, they TREAT IT, and they treat it immediately with whatever has worked for them in the past. If they have a health altering event, such as a stroke, they didn't get too upset about it. Many of them had one or several strokes throughout the course of their life, some even at very young ages. One 90 year old who is still alive today, had her first stroke when she was 29, then another just a few years after that, had kidney problems and even some heart problems. She just "kept on trucking". Many of them view these disease as a "part of living". They do not scrutinize it or wonder why it happened. They just do ...whatever to avoid it happening again. Something I found curious, some of them, family members will tell me...they have had 3 (or 4) strokes and don't even know it! I have a friend who's parent's live in Franklin, LA. The father is 97 now. This man is one such person. When he forgets things, they just laugh at him. I knew an old pastor, every time a family member washed the dishes, that person would dip the dishes in boiling water to removed "whatever is left" and to kill anything that was missed. He said his grandfather (a vegetarian that lived to be 113 years of age, and who was on well water most of his life), taught him that. 

The Cookware

 Their cookware is not like most of ours. Most of the time, I would see a crockpot or some type of aluminum cookware, and very often cast iron. They still had those old pots someone handed down to them. I have yet to see one with all stainless steel pots in the kitchen. 

Food Habits

They always eat at least one of the vegetables with the huge leaves (the collards, the turnips, or the mustards). I finally looked at a government published site to see what was so special about them. The most obvious thing that stood out is that they were superior in Vitamin K. No other vegetable even came close to the amount of Vitamin K they had. Alot of the older people I came across were "gazers". What they gaze at only they know. They like to have quiet moments just watching people go by, or just look out across their property at ???? They were on a superior water system. If they gew food, they grew their food with this water. This is the single thing I saw over and over again. 

Water and Food Saviness

Some were pretty "water savy" too. One 88 year old lady told me, "they build those new houses, those things spring up so fast, its no telling what they put in them". Her house was so old, it had begun to collect mites. It looked like something you'd see in a movie. Something kept biting me, so I'm guessing that's what they were. I was surprised she lived by herself. I asked her if she drank bottled water, she said "No, don't you look at tv, some people are taking baths in so called Spring Water". I decided I'd look into the source of the next bottled water I picked up, and bit of research revealed the source of the water turned out be shared by a recreation center. She was right. People were indeed bathing in the same water, there were pictures on the internet advertising the water. This is what they were using to make bottled water. Hmmm. I guess that's no better than "surface water". Many of those I spoke with, if they couldn't afford it (through time, money, or effort), they simply got if from someone else. If something happened where they could no longer grow vegetables for themselves, they simply would buy (or in most cases get for free) vegetables off someone who was growing what they wanted. They developed a relationship with this person..solely for the purpose of getting something they wanted eat. Or, they'd go to the farmers market. Almost all of them knew about the farmers market and had stories to tell. On one occasion I met a lady in South Carolina shopping at the healthfood store. She looked to be in her seventies. She turned out to be 93 years old. I was shocked, no cane...nothing. I picked up some organic produce and showed it to her. She said "They're doing something to that. It just doesn't come out that pretty." I get my greens from an old fellow who grows it on his property. I asked her "so why do you shop here?" She said "I come here only when i can't find what I want from someone else". Speaking of greens, as I mentioned before, almost all of them ate greens and always had some little small piece of meat to put in it. For whatever reason, if they didn't live in the country, many of them lived in a small neighborhood that had alot of dead end roads. Sometimes, people don't have time to grow foods and resort to learning and eating superfoods, such as what's described here.  

If you have time to grow your own food, read on for some tips!  Very old people tend to be in tune with how food grows. To them, knowing what was season was like knowing how old they were. It is no big deal. Some are quite sophisticated at it too. I was on the phone with an elderly and was trying to finish off some okra I was eating and talk at the same time. He said "What are you eating?. I said "okra". The response was "Okra? This time of year? Where does okra grow this time of year?" I was tempted to say "in the grocery store." A member of a church I visited said "Well, this friend of mine, he was 107. Grew all of his own food and lived on well water. Now, for whatever reason, this gentleman refused to buy anything out of the grocery store other than salt and coffee. He never bought anything other than salt and coffee". One lady who lives in Nashville and who had several family members in their nineties who weren't farmers, but did grow a few vegetables (and who were on well water) says to never plant beans on a Full Moon. You can learn about all this in the Farmers Almanac". She said corn, when planted on a Full Moon, grows so fast you can hear it growing. I bring the issue of corn up because it is the one food where you will find the amino acid methionine. Animals (and humans) tend to be deficient in what are called the limiting amino acids. There are just a few of them and methionine is one of them. When an amino acid is limiting, it makes it very difficult for the body to use all the rest of them, so the other ones begin to pile up and have negative influences on the body. With animals, the amino acids are balanced by creative manipulation of their food. For humans, regardless of how superior your diet is, if you are short on any one of the limiting amino acids it'll make it difficult to achieve optimal health. For many old persons, the smallest space in the world is enough to grow something. I met a very old lady who had to move further into the city with her daughter. She started growing her tomatoes in a flower pot. She said "Its something wrong with her water. I've been growing tomatoes in pots for years, and I haven't ever had them just die like that. They won't even grow. What am I supposed to eat?" Another very old lady was asked by family members what would she like as a gift. She told them she wanted a water well, because she didn't like the way the city water tasted. So they bought her one. She says "it's sweet, like water is supposed to be." I have had some extremely old people say their water is "sweet". They have been a member of the same church for years on end. To them growing something was not a daunting task. I believe when many of us think about growing something, we think "first i have to get a house, then I have to learn how to plant a garden..then, and it seems like it will be very time consuming. Some of the elderlies I spoke with would plant something in a tiny space in a heart beat and wouldn't think twice about it. Living in an apartment didn't stop them. They'd put some herbs in a pot. Having to move into a house that didn't have much of a yard didn't stop them either. They plant the vegetable right up against the a very small spot of space. To them, all they need is a little hand and leg room. A gentleman I met was telling me about his 98 year old grandmother who lived in Nashville then moved to Florida. "He said, she has had 2 strokes, but it never really put her down. She lived in that same old house for years. She never planted vegetables but she always planted 3 herbs, mint, thyme, and rosemary, right in her backyard. Her soil was red, this weird looking red color." I said where in Nashville did she live? "Off 5th street". (Okay, that's the second lady I heard out over the age of 95 who lived off 5th street in Nashville). The other one I met personally, and she said "I can't go a 2 weeks without eating liver and onions". She had "happy hour alot" She lived in her same old house for years. 

The Old "Odd" Couple

Now let's talk about the most intriguing couple of all. I know a couple, They live in Texas. They are both in their nineties, are on county (treated) water, and have never grown a single thing in their entire life. Ever. In addition, her daughter said, "They eat whatever they want. They shop at the grocery store and buy...well, whatever!" I just could not understand it, because it was the first time I had come across a couple that old on treated water, and didn't grow anything. Well, they did live in the same house for years on end, and the house is on the outskirts of the city. The daughter was nice enough to tell me the name of their water supplier. I decided to look into the water supplier. I read about their water. The first thing that jumped out at me is how "superior" their water was. The water company "boasted" about their water. I dug a bit more deeply and found out that the water this couple is drinking comes from over 2,000 feet beneath the ground. That is 2 miles beneath the ground. Most wells don't run that deep. On one occasion I drove through a small town and had to turn around because I thought "I know I didn't see what I think i just saw". It was a water well at a church! The church was on well water. It was a small church. As a matter of fact after I drove a couple of more miles..I noticed, all the churches were on well water. One member said "Well, water is the way to go. My mom lived to be 97 and she was on well water. She says, "the best well water is the ones that sits on top of the sulpur bed. It'll purify your water like none other. So, since some people couldn't afford to have wells at their home, the church got together and decided to put a well at the church. We're out of the city limits so we can do that." I started to ask what kind of pipes they used but it was obvious because they came up out of the ground. They were cast iron. Speaking of pipes, I have since learned that the theory behind using the old cast iron pipes were because the water will actually put a protective coating on the pipe so you don't eat the pipe. This takes in excess of 2 months to happen. PVC does not build up a coating. Well, after speaking of many of the persons, most of time I jotted down their county and state, and then used some databases to check their water. I do not know the meaning of this right now, but many times, I'd see that the county they lived in had natural sources of either copper, selenium, or sulfur in the water, or there was simply nothing natural in it other than nitrate. For the one couple who drank water that came from over 2000 feet beneath, their water flows through beds that have rare rocks and qualities you don't see unless you get that deep into the ground, and the water is going to be pretty magnetic as well. 

Magnetic vs. Electromagnetic Water

 If magnetic water is set on the counter in an open container, almost all of its "magnetism" will be loss within a few hours. Finally, very old people seem to substain themselves on lower amounts of electricity and EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies). This is an important issue and is a "runner up" to the issue with the pipes. If you want to make changes in your own life, you can gain alot from making simples changes in this arena, if you cannot address the water/pipe issue. This issue can only be addressed with awareness of your surroundings. I have provided step by step instructions concerning this  for those who may be interested. It'll be under a tab called "Electricity's Dirty Little Secret"

Final Points

Back to the issue on water, what do you do if the water is being fluoridated and you are on PVC? I'll tell you what some of those very old people are doing.. drinking bottled water because they didn't like the taste of their "new water". They will cook with it however. If you see that you live far from the water well and decide to drink bottled water (or you drink it already), note that if the water comes from a municipal source, unless the technique used was reverse osmosis, fluoride will be left behind. It is very difficult to remove fluoride from water. I do not recommend distilled water, as you can very well give yourself health problems with prolonged use of this type of water. Distilled may work well for detoxing, but not as a lifetime replacement. On a final note, I must say, because it was extremely obvious to me on observing the habits of very old people that, "There is something very special about "unprocessed" water coming from beneath the ground". Only God knows.


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